Submission for the Consultation on the Procedure Document of the Complaint Mechanism
The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) welcomes the…
The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) welcomes the…
On 4 November 2022, Mind the Gap consortium partners AFREWATCH (African Resources Watch), ACIDH (Action against Impunity for Human Rights) and PremiCongo (Protection of MIOMBO Ecoregions in CONGO) filed a complaint against Ruashi Mining, a…
This week, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) announced that it would open accession discussions with six countries: Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Peru, and Romania. OECD Watch, a global network of over 130…
In this submission, the Mind the Gap consortium focuses on the widespread tolerance of corporate lobbying. To provide a background context in which this submission has been prepared, first our framework outlining strategies that corporations…
For over 15 years, a Chinese-owned mining company has been subjecting Congolese communities to serious human rights abuses and environmental destruction. A new report by PremiCongo, Afrewatch and ACIDH sheds light on how Ruashi Mining…
On the 19th of October, the Israeli Defense Ministry declared six Palestinian civil society organisations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) to be “terrorist organisations”. One of the organisations affected by the decision is Mind…
While the world is facing the devastating impacts of the Corona pandemic, Israel has escalated its illegal demolition of Palestinian homes and properties, hitting a four-year high. With this statement therefore, SOMO together with 41…
Many countries are adopting or considering mandatory human rights due diligence legislation. In April 2020, the EU Commissioner for Justice committed to an EU-wide initiative on corporate due diligence, to be presented in 2021. These…
The final week of October saw the sixth round of negotiations for a Binding UN Treaty to regulate the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises. As in previous years, SOMO participated. However, this…
SOMO supports a statement by the Asia Europe People’s Forum (AEPF) in solidarity with the people’s movement in Indonesia who are struggling to reclaim democratic rights and economic sovereignty against the monopolist power of oligarchs…
SOMO and its partner organisation Al-Haq have submitted a report to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, suggesting to include German multinational HeidelbergCement in the yearly update of the UN Database of companies…
Hiding behind complex supply chains, undermining unions, disseminating distorted information – these are just a few of the ways that corporations try to avoid responsibility for human rights abuses and environmental damage across their supply…
ACIDH, Al-Haq, ECCJ, PremiCongo, PODER and SOMO sent in a joint submission to the UN Open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights. SOMO and its partners…